Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rick Gush's Rapmaster Pinocchio

I got this picture from Rick Gush, who also sent me a cat food box full of things to play with and covet. Called "Rapmaster Pinocchio" made out of what appears to be concrete.

Sadly, Rapmaster Pinocchio's burgeoning career was cut short last Friday night, when he was found submerged in the bottom of the Bay. It appears to be foul play, but police have no leads at this time.

Apparently Rick filmed it, and calls it "Outlaw Art 5 meters Under the Surface."

10 Jigawatts of Awesome.

A postcard from Koco

Koco, who in the past sent me a nipple, is apparently now living in Japan, which is pretty awesome in itself. This is a beautiful post-card though, she says she picked it up at the Tokyo "Design Festa."

It says on the back in English, that it's called "bird", and it's got a link to 2 websites:


And to answer your question, Koco, yes, I named my nipple "Gimpy's replacement."

Jeremy Jams responds with awesomeness

I was very impressed by this of Jeremy's. The last couple were watercolors, which while not my thing, were of good quality, but this is right up my alley. It has a bit of everything, some Geometric art, A nice quote, some wordplay, and something that I can't identify. The item I can't identify (that little red/black circle-ey thing) won it for me. I love things that I can't identify.

The quote, written on the "genetic DNA strand thingy", reads:

"In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains."

Quite right Jeremy, quite right indeed.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

And Lothar Trott.....the 3rd.

Here comes another round. I don't quite understand why he included a self made booklet of what appears to be a schizophrenic jumble of pornographic images and words, but I'm not complaining, maybe I'll try to unfold it and put it together later and see if it's really just one big work.

I also got another invitation to send something back to him. At least that's what I think it is.

The postcards were definately an unexpected bonus.

The Long awaited response from El Taller de Zenon

So at the very beginning of it all, one of the very first samples of my mail art was sent to El Taller de Zenon, in Seville, Spain. They claimed to have a gallery open showing the mail art, and as I had already been planning a trip to Spain, I thought it would be awesome to be able to see something I made in a gallery for the first time.

As it turned out, we didn't ever get to Seville, and I forgot about it until I got the response. The response seems to be alot like Lothar Trott's work, where his response, is a blank response, to be responded to. Follow all that? Good, because I'm perpetually lost.
I must say, the wait was worthwhile, as I'm quite impressed with the quality of the dog themed postcard. It's top notch!

Andrea Jay delivers again

This is in response to a letter to her, where I rambled on about how hot it is here, how I was going to Six Flags for my birthday, and how I live in the bible belt, and will probably burn in hell.

It's actually a fairly accurate portrait of my time at Six Flags on Memorial Day weekend, only I remember more mullets.

Nancy Belle and her dubious tea

Along with these copies of her beautiful paintings, Nancy included some holistic tea. While it claims numerous health benefits, I won't be partaking, as it's made of plants I'm not familiar with, and besides, who would drink tea from an anonymous internet mailing?

Thanks for the pictures though Nancy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lothar Trott returns.....because I didn't respond correctly.

So, I could swear that I sent something in return to Lothar Trott, but apparently it is absolutely necessary that I add to the photocopy he sent me before returning it, so that's what I'll do. What he included this time though I'm not certain if I should take it as a motivator to get it done, or if it's a scolding of some sort from this angry Swiss "prophet."

Below is a transcript of the 4 page "religious text" I received. It's not exact, though, because Microsoft Word kept annoyingly correcting my typing.

Lothar, I'll send you a reply soon.

Berka or berker point’s

1)print 3,000 werd’s each day!
2)jently walk every day!
3)kung fu anti rape training!
4)memory trik pjk prins jezus king pjk!
5)ZERO MAN iz throw every ting out and build filosofy to eliminate eror’z!
6)read kover to kover duz no mean read extra junk note’s!
7)read saheeh 1997 Koran!
8)god rote king jame’s bible personally just for you!
9)koach spank child on bak ov thigh!
10)pole dans for self esteem!
11)need careful siens to show jezus’ez mirakal’z medikly posable!
12)40 day enlitenment brain iz forty day’z and forty nite’s thing so god kopyed number 40 al over new berka or burker way or filosofy or relijin!
13)print’s and’z plural’z eliminate personal property and country bak to indian’z!
14)saying, mimic the master! Smile smile!
15) downfall ov man downfall ov god!
1)10,000 year’z konfuzjon!
2)10,000 male’z steal soshal job’z!
3)10,000 yer’z build knowledj ov life!
16)jezus and Mohamed saying you rize from the ded entirely reazonable!
17)god rote Koran or quran personally just for you!
18)god’z new 6 day week calendar let’s kid’s birthday’z normaly fal on same day ov week!
19)chikin soup love every 2 or 3 day’z!
20)god rote hindu upanishad’z personally just for you!
21)memorize sixteen 16 bible lady’z!
22)vortex analysis ov tao @#$ an Mathew senter werd’z child and ruler!
23)thing twise (2) if you object to anything!
24)mary baker edy said do not preech any theem in church!
25)profet shod hav 40 wive’z!
26)cherry blossom is wen it apear’z god did something but kant tel for shur!
27)hindu red dot third (3) eye ferst thing lost!
28)frederik Douglas killed two million wite’z 2,000,000!
29)greek’s said life iz a dream!
30)god killing lot’s wife waz rong!
31)retell profet’s 10,000 story’z! print!
32)god’s 6 day week calendar klos to natchural 291/2 day womon’z moon woom refreshment
33)pres output letar’z between sacred book’s!
34)Koran duz not say Mohamed was last profet!
35)god rite’z god book’s to akumulate self training!
36)do not hold previous opinion
37)saying, start rite end rite!
38)god rote tao te ching tao @#$ book personally just for you!
39)sin iz EHAK, ego hierarkal authoritarian complex!
40)know every thing is 10,000 year’z ov learning!
41)in church sit or stand or lay prostrate az it pleez’ez god?
42)dans naked to the moon!
43)no double letar’z kauz double letar’z konfuz kid’z!
44)saying, tao @#$ iz wat iz!
45)do not eat pig’z embryo’z baby’z!
46)king david killing male male love apearans guy waz rong!
47)print new fonetik englush for werld kid’s!
48)read pasaj from any book in church!
49)pul profet’s 8 dog dog sled!
50)ask god pleez say NO loudly in your mind!
51)god saying tel print 10,000 story’z iz a bit much!
52)it iz not true jezus waz borne in three (3) pies buzines suit!
53)ayn rand said existens exist’s!
54)titanic did not sink!
55)noah’z ark flood 40 150 enlitenment ov jezus and moze’z!
56)womon’z private area senter ov univers!
57)Mohamed said Ishmael not izak sakrifishal son ov Abraham!
58)100,000 one hundred thousand yer’z ago womon ran everything!
59)print letar’z to husband or wife!
60)Lotus blossom iz to statistikly notis repeat mental sequense’z wat is tru and fals?
61)no mikrofone’z, live broadkast’s, or intertainment in church!
62)budha waz eastern enlitenment profet!
63)brest feed four (4) year’z!
64)the frenzied and hyperaktivitiy ov seseme street and other kid’s show’z produse’z mental diseaze!
65)tao @#$ iz the mystery!
66)joeb 28 28 iz senter ov god’s way ov life!
1)fear god iz wisdom!
2)stay away from eval understanding!
67)god fizikly punishe’z new master’z saint’s anjel’z to obey!
68)don’t bring sel fone’z too church!
69)god new six day week calendar start’z month on Sunday kan have double Sunday holiday!
70)dres klown, gothic, mime in church!
71)Mohamed said kan koach hit your wife!
72)you don’t want to know how god got mary pregnant!
73)every kid shod have three (3) mother’z!
74)tao @#$ iz do everything!
75)jezus born in manjor so god kod show joe hiz wif mary fizkal verjen!
76)saying, fredom never tryed!
77)teeching kid’s there iz big people and lital people iz rong!
78)@#$ tao symbol reverse’z sex’z and iz true in deep mother erth female voise!
79)teech statistik’s in church!
80)Shinto prinsapal iz respect local kustom’z and respect local relijin’z!
81)memorize the 40 god’s!
82)god rote shorter oxford dikshonary personally just for you!
83)read Bible kover to kover!
84)Sunday skool!
1)print letar’z to grand parent’s!
5)story’z from any pikchur book!
85)a good man wil play tutch hiz wife in front ov children!
86)motehr’z even father’z kan do perfekt love by incorporating empathetikly loved person az part ov your body!
87)jezus and Mohamed said let male bee 100% responsible for everything!
88)printing letar’z to each other iz the grand kanyon eko people!
89)ELIJAH profet to teach god to think!
90)alien’z say against kuning and deseit!
91)second sex secret ov bible iz let god handle kinky stuff----kiding! Not!
92)50 year marij enlitenment real enuf!
93)see moon kis left palm!
94)a womon may have 4 huzband’z!
95)you may not hurt a child!
96)saying, risk al for al!
97)jezus seeing complete restorashon kan make jezus mesiah!
98)Know sex to determin gerl child or boy child!
99)nachural brain marij iz 7 year’z or 2,555 day’z and female run’z new brain!
100)god kreated the werld in 6 hour’z but did not want to brag about it!
101)god rested on seventh day, you are kiding!
102)god kiling 15,000 ejypshon kid’s rong!
103)enlitenment iz a healthy sykosis!
104)bring pet pig to church to show kid’s hiz or her intelejens!
105)budha helped train ZERO MAN
106)do golden rule rite, ferst establish how you want to bee treated?
107)beg god to talk to you in your mind?
108)thouzand 1,000 kis saramoney wil guarantee any relashionship!
109)jail killed kaptan sisera humanely!
110)read shorter oxford dikshonary kover to kover!
111)perfek love iz literaly having a living model ov the person in your brain!
112)there are so many spesifik point’s that people kan disagree with people who follow the new way mite bee very tolerant even beyond the Shinto prinsapal!
113)printint letar’z to each other iz a style ov oral history!
114)do not kandal chickin eg’z!
115)judj Deborah parading kaptan sisera’z kut off hed thru town not very tao @#$!
116)lot did not sleep with dauter’z!
117)name sweet sixteen 16 smel’z ov female body?
118)sand box 101!
1)play nise!
2)don’t throw sand!
119)read king jame’z Mathew book 100 time’z!
120)Josef smith said do not have background muzik at church!
121)ask god yes/no queschon’z?
122)read tao te ching tao @#$ book 100 time’z!
123)promis god anything for god to talk to you!
124)alien’z kreated man and living god to lern to think objekively!
125)Mohamed ferst humanitarian profet to help society ov womon and childrin!
126)the erth iz flat, the solar system waz invented to sel baby krib’s!
127)living god ov Abraham lie’z!
128)wen you die your rase chanje’z!
129)memory devise for dyna deby jail aby rahab ester is 44DD brest milk DDkare chanj k to j!
130)jezus waz enlitenment profet ov brain chanj!
131)no fizkal greeting’z ov any kind in church!
132)jezus told how to trane living god!
133)ask god to say YES loudly in your mind?
134)read Koran or quran kover to kover!
135)read king jame’z bible!
136)sacred kis seven (7) plase’z on female body!
137)god rote hindu upanishand’s personally just for you!
138)god thot about wen you die you chanj sex but god said, no, kauz there iz a big deferens between wako and very wako!
139)do not say wee beleev unless you kan explain the point!
140)if you read only book’s god rote, you wil be betar off!
141)budha and zen master rong, beging iz unprogresiv and waiting ten (10) tear’z for enlitenment is nutzoid!
142)Mathew chapter bible plan iz read the chapter ov the calendar day so valentine’z day read chapter 14 and saint patrik’s day read chapter 17!
143)TAI CHI chinees movement exersize!
144)have a live male or female model az an ikon in church on a lazy suzan turner or shufel slowly!
145)Mohamed said a man may hav 4 wife’s!
146)teling kid’z half moon kaled quarter moon is stewped!
147)brest feed a male male love behavioral male and make him a man!
148)H spot 40 minute orgazem!
149)sound ov one (1) hand klaping kan bee explaned!
150)tao @#$ iz art ov doing nothing!
151)tao @#$ iz the siens ov power!
152)werd gay poet’s reserv for dandy!
153)play monopoly in Sunday skool!
154)strugal to print ten million 10,000,000 werd’s!
155)aksept any food offered az a guest!
156)ferst sex secret ov bible iz treat wife every nite az a verjen!
157)loving your enemy realy iz not posable so switch to golden rule!
158)a fun man wil spank koach hiz wife!
159)need new profet in a million yer’z to del with new human speshy’z!
160)read bok ov joeb 100 time’z in Hebrew for enlitenment!
161)jezus tempted by devil like joeb!
162)god piersed jezus’ez side on kros to show history hiz hart not beating!
163)satanist’s teech their children not too believe in fairey tale’z! god?
164)our star modified star ov david!
165) keep your self before you keep mee!
166)saying, love make’s thing’z grow!
167)secret ov life, pik up a child every 45 minute’s to hear your hart beat!
168)need one (1) room skool hous every sity blok!
169)duplicate profit’s 18 mile walk to woodstok on Saturday! Every year! Did not smoke weed, had to dream to attend historic event!
170)post ofis’ez shod have rest room’z to chanj baby diaper’z!
171)konservativ konstitushonal amerkan’z!
1)do not believ in torchur!
2)womon own her body!
172)find a gerl frend for kuious jeorj?
173)wether iz majikal!
174)cartoonist boiled anjel run out ov florodoh legally kauz he made a priest’s molesting lital boy’z grotesk!
175)sing row row row your boat at any time for any reazon!
176)mister orjer’z not brest fed!
177)kontrakt with grate being iz tel the truth!
178)the universal prinsapal iz every thing iz konekted to every thing!
179)eat a nis stake ons a year!
180)perfekly okay to swear at the profet (only this one) if you get aggravated if mee or twinkal toe’z werk’s you hard!
181)kompared to berka or burker, lezbian’z know hop skotch about womon’z!
182)6 meal’z a day for flat tumy!
183)nachural spirit aje iz for (4) yer’z old for men and nine (9) yer’z old for womon, so lital boy’z like to teez big gerl’z and big gerl’z like to kontrol lital men!
184)secret deep krischon enlitenment iz thank god for every thing that happen’z kauz you kant judj god’z rezon’z so thank god if some thing apear’z too bee bad happen’s!
185)don’t uze name’z ov letar’z and name’z ov number’z az fun englush! Kauz al the kid’z in the werld new fonetik englush bee simpal fonetik!
186)boodah said only problem iz separashon!
187)people who agre diasagree and parrot good werd’s not good!
188)saying fuck you to the master valuabal presept if you have trouble with separation isolashon and independans from the master!
189)fuck off or shov off or other don’t bother mee ilk iz ferst presept ov any valid hueman konstitushon!
190)the unalienable rite ov the god’s and spirit’s to expire us shod bee dismayed!
191)werd’s are turd’z but jezus said it betar!
192)wen lilipushon’z tied down paul bunyon did not get kinky!
193)saying, helping hueman’z iz a thankless task!
194)people think god haz nothing betar to do than design snow krystal’z!
195)don’t know how the rumour got started but kid’s think bul frog’z hop on lily pad’z!
196)the only thing mikrofone’z are good for in kasting out side sound’z!
197)true enuf, the living god ov Abraham keep’s failing!
198)guy’z huging tree’z iz not a moby dik thing!
199)guy haz pain in hiz krank so doktor ask’s him wen he make love? Doktor iz not amazed at 18 time’z a day so he say’z ust bee al the jerking off in between!
200)rabit’s uze funkshonal name’z so pikchur young rabit koupal going to infertility klinik!
201)wen australian’z say no wory’z it mean’z nuthar beer iz a state ov mind!
202)hueman wory about god’s sex like god iz kangaroo! Hens expreshon look at that tale!
203)spekar’z ferst dirty joke you kan judj dirty or funy? Why did third (3) lital pig build brik hous? Tired ov wolf’s blow job’s and wanted real thing!
204)faourit god kartoon iz wat you say to tidal wave? Say “hi” and try to akt frendly!
205)if you draw a pikchur you wil see mountain man, he who dans’ez on side ov mountan!
206)saying, one drop duz not make a rainbow!
207)do punch and judy klaping stik play’z in church!
208)put tooth pik’s in G spot squirt hole’z!
209)atrosity paradox iz more iz les!
210)why shod the profet bee the only god traned master or traned saint or only god trained anjel?
211)berka or burker relashonship iz wors than marij! Kauz god’s new relijin realy suk’s!
212)praktis saying, any thing you want sweet prins!
213)satanist’s believe do wat you want!
214)some womon think vibrating bone’z imajinary! In other werd’z some men hav no batery’z!
215)don steven’z, ferst amerikan enlitenment profet preached say everyt thing I do iz rite! EIDIR
216)satan having three (3) bone’z imajinary!
217)vapirizem iz a deskripshon ov anchent enlitenment!
218)teevee’z shod hav a parental switch for federal komunikashon’z komishon sensorship!
219)al amerikan teevee stashon’z shod broadcast any show in united nashon’s dub over englush or Spanish!
220)womon’z bikini sokor shod bee ameraka’z nashonal sport!
221)the living god ov Abraham iz too lively this week!
222)the state prizin system shod bee part ov the state university system!
223)womon uze three (3) brane’z independently at the same time but don’t tel men they do that!
224)dude, wee need to get payed in real money not just fishe’ez!
225)fung shway sex!

Morgao, from Philadelphia, PA

He actually sent this a month or two ago, I just haven't had the time to put new batteries into my camera until lately. It appears to be red paint stamped on an 1977 newspaper page.

It's really quite impressive, and I'm afraid the picture doesn't do it justice. What's more was that it came sent in a tube, that was itself decorated spectacularly, and makes this one of my favorites.

A return from Niagra County Community College

I'm pretty sure it's a dog, though it may be a lamb, it's hard to say, but either way, it being on fabric makes it cooler.

Except that when I opened the package, some of the charcoal had been loosened I suppose, along with some white paint, so a strange grey dust came rolling out, which is rather disconcerting this day and age.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lisa Fields Clark sees an opportunity to advertise.

So she only sent me a trucker's emblam of a naked woman (the kind you find in truck stops), and a couple of business cards. I looked at her site, and she does some absolutely excellent mosaics, so I'd reccommend you visit it for a peek.
Lisa, if you read this, next time please send me one of your mosaics. It can be a small one, I'm not asking for much, but it would be great if you could just get right on that, thanks.

A Return from Lezbag's Blue Bird

I don't really know what else to say about this, except that it's a blue bird, celebrating national library week. Nuff said.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cory Kram's Weirdness

I think the photograph is of urinals, though I can't be sure, as they also seem to have water dispensing spouts on either the top or the bottom, I'm not sure which is which since there are no ceilings or floors for referencing purposes.

The air freshener tree was quite entertaining though, and since it was wrapped in cling wrap, it even retained it's freshness!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"WTF?" a new entry from "J.E."

He also included a trail of post-it notes that formed a letter, but WTF ever, I'm not scanning all that, the picture will do to show I received it.
I really don't know what to make of this, why he's wearing mouse-ears, or who he is, but it's a thought provoking picture for those very same reasons.

Pamdelion's Postcard

So this chick (I think) named Pamdelion decided to mail me a postcard seeing as how I like getting things through the mail, like it says to the right on your screen.

She's inviting me to participate in her graveyard art project. I think I might just respond!

Though she titled her postcard "The Pen is Mightier" This is the first thing that came to mind:

Sean Connery: I've got to ask you about the Penis Mightier.

Alex Trebek: What? No. No, no, that is The Pen is Mightier.

Sean Connery: Gussy it up however you want, Trebek. What matters is does it work? Will it really mighty my penis, man?

Alex Trebek: It's not a product, Mr. Connery.

Sean Connery: Because I've ordered devices like that before - wasted a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you. And if The Penis Mightier works, I'll order a dozen.

Alex Trebek: It's not a Penis Mightier, Mr. Connery. There's no such thing!

Nicholas Cage: Wait, wait, wait.. are you selling Penis Mightiers?

Alex Trebek: No! No, I'm not.

Sean Connery: Well, you're sitting on a gold mine, Trebek!

Response from Frip

This was Frip's Thank You card for the art that I sent him. I was pleased.

Monday, April 7, 2008

My new best friend- Rick Gush of Rapallo, Italy

Saving the absolute best and weirdest for last, my new best friend Rick Gush had a huge package waiting for me when I got back. It apparently cost him 8.70 Euros to mail it here, not including all the assortment of things inside. Some of the things not pictured:

-A Wooden Pen carved and painted to be a Rooster

-A Kinder Egg with an intact toy

-Some kind of sticker, in a triangle form, white, with a red cross bisecting it, and 1,9,8,and 3 in the corners surrounding the cross.

-Some form of key, to what I have no clue.

-A box of matches with an Aztecan Astrological sign for Pisces

-A ziploc bag witha sealed plastic glove

-3 pins (The kind you'd put on a coat lapel)

-a Tuning Fork (Which I CHERISH)

-and some form of carved wooden doo-hicky.

There's probably more, but I'm tired, and can't be bothered adding any more for today.

Return Visitor

Jeremy Jams has replied with yet another of his watercolor postcards. I agree that Voodoo is purple, without a doubt.

However, I'd like to point out that "Fresh" Shane usually contains more pigment, and not so much squiggle in the middle. Actually, scratch that, it's spot on.

Andrea Jay: Hilarious Assistant Principal

Oh dear god, this one strikes very close to home.

The content of this one is a little disturbing to many, but really quite funny to me.

What are you teaching the kids Andrea? I hope it's that killing mice and rats are a healthy and civic minded hobby, preventing another Black Plague and whatnot.

Project Brain Cell

Something awesome this way comes.

Unfortunately, it's too big to scan, so I'll only be able to share the envelope it arrived in.

Ryosuke Cohen's Brain Cell project is one of the larger mail art projects today.

Obviously I can't share it with you, but inside was a larger poster-sized sheet of paper with a collection of what I assume are artist's stamps from other people, along with the artwork they've sent along in a collage form. Either way, it's pretty cool, and you should check it out.

A return!

Before I posted my Free for All Mail Call, I sent out some of my own mail art to various people's addresses that I found on the internet, as well as a few mail art projects. This was the return from one such project called "Big Questions."

In return, I've received some neat-o stamps, a laminated trading card of the artist, and a postcard that I found quite interesting.

Body Parts......

Someone sent me a nipple. That's right, a human nipple. Not made out of flesh, but of yarn, and with a bell attached. It must be fate that a stranger answering a call for mail of any type would send me a nipple with a bell attached, it matches my other two.

So this "Koco" as she calls herself, knits nipples as part of her art installations which she tells me take place in ladies's bathrooms, and asks people to name their nipple, and send her a photo of them together. I'll be mailing her a topless photo, with my new third nipple, whom I've named "Gimpy's significant other" Since my left nipple, "Gimpy" has been lonely these last few years.

To see her site, visit

Shanti Parise's bribes

I've been away for awhile on vacation and now trying to get back into the swing of things, but while I've been gone my mail box got full!

This was part of the total package I received from Shanti Parise of Sante Fe, NM.

She sent the nice card and friendly message, along with a shark's tooth necklace, and what appears to be a fairly fancy silvery type necklace that I'll probably give to my wife and pass off as an act of my own generosity.

Unfortunately, the package ripped during shipping, so it came in a USPS "We Care" bag, which essentially means they care, but not enough to replace whatever may have been lost by the tearing of the envelope.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

LK. Murphy of Brooklyn, NY

L.K. sent in her "Art Book" which was a small notebook with several pages colored with different paints. She said that Art is her Life, and what keeps her going, and asked that I fill in the book and return by June. I don't quite have the time to fill it in completely, as I'm absorbed in work, and my vacation tommorow, but I've sent it back with some of my own art.

I will add this L.K.- It's kind of hard to fill in the book when it's already so full of lines going left and write, though I've heard this is called "graphing."

You'll be happy to know that I've sent it back, and you should be receiving it soon!

Jeniffer C. Scitern of Takoma, Washington

Jeniffer sent in a "Spirit Art Postcard" with an anonymous quote as part of the Free for All Mail Call. Thanks for your submission Jeniffer!

J.E. of Rancho Cucamonga, California "re-training?"

This is one of my favorite surprises so far. As part of my Craigslist posting around the US, titled "Free for All Mail Call" J.E sent in what appears to be a coffee stained envelope (hand-made) that contains both a picture, along with a short story on the back.

Kudos to you J.E. I'm very, very impressed!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lex Loeb, Emperor Magnus Artist.........

As a continuation of the title, this guy's full title is as follows:
Lex loeb, Emperor Magnus Artist, "The Imperial Holy Rolling Emperor for the Nth Millennium" Emperor Artificialis.
For short I'm going to call him Loeb.

The back of the picture of Loeb reads his title, as well as
Bjorkoby 7 April, "Sparvagsmuseum" Odenplan
Tunelbanestation 10-18 April 1999
Stockholm Sweden 1999

At the bottom is something else:
Imperial Public Relations
UFO Museum, PO BOX 6056
Portland, Oregon 97228-6056 usa
(his phone number was here, but I didn't list it for privacy concerns)
This Card constitues proof of actual Imperial contact with Emperor.

There was also a bit about :
Mail Order Wishing Well
Drop a Coin or a Buck
c/o Joe Messiah
POB 6056 PDX, OR 97228-6056

This is the best chunk of weird goodness I've gotten so far.