Tuesday, March 11, 2008

LK. Murphy of Brooklyn, NY

L.K. sent in her "Art Book" which was a small notebook with several pages colored with different paints. She said that Art is her Life, and what keeps her going, and asked that I fill in the book and return by June. I don't quite have the time to fill it in completely, as I'm absorbed in work, and my vacation tommorow, but I've sent it back with some of my own art.

I will add this L.K.- It's kind of hard to fill in the book when it's already so full of lines going left and write, though I've heard this is called "graphing."

You'll be happy to know that I've sent it back, and you should be receiving it soon!

Jeniffer C. Scitern of Takoma, Washington

Jeniffer sent in a "Spirit Art Postcard" with an anonymous quote as part of the Free for All Mail Call. Thanks for your submission Jeniffer!

J.E. of Rancho Cucamonga, California "re-training?"

This is one of my favorite surprises so far. As part of my Craigslist posting around the US, titled "Free for All Mail Call" J.E sent in what appears to be a coffee stained envelope (hand-made) that contains both a picture, along with a short story on the back.

Kudos to you J.E. I'm very, very impressed!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lex Loeb, Emperor Magnus Artist.........

As a continuation of the title, this guy's full title is as follows:
Lex loeb, Emperor Magnus Artist, "The Imperial Holy Rolling Emperor for the Nth Millennium" Emperor Artificialis.
For short I'm going to call him Loeb.

The back of the picture of Loeb reads his title, as well as
Bjorkoby 7 April, "Sparvagsmuseum" Odenplan
Tunelbanestation 10-18 April 1999
Stockholm Sweden 1999

At the bottom is something else:
Imperial Public Relations
UFO Museum, PO BOX 6056
Portland, Oregon 97228-6056 usa
(his phone number was here, but I didn't list it for privacy concerns)
This Card constitues proof of actual Imperial contact with Emperor.

There was also a bit about :
Mail Order Wishing Well
Drop a Coin or a Buck
c/o Joe Messiah
POB 6056 PDX, OR 97228-6056

This is the best chunk of weird goodness I've gotten so far.

Jeremy Jams "Arm's Length"

Well Jeremy, if you want to call me George, that's fine by me. You can also call me King Shane, ruler of nowhere and everywhere, Lord of the great void on 9th St. (This is my OFFICIAL title)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Kara/ Artclash Collective (THE HIVE)

Here's a fancy happy sock. I've named him Peckerhead, because he reminds me alot of when I played penis-socks when I was a kid. You remember that don't you? DON'T YOU?

And another part of my childhood's innocence destroyed by knowledge.

But at least Peckerhead's a happy sock.

Captain Thorns

This is a friend from another site we frequent, who sent me an envelope containing a hypnotic suggestion tape for memory improvement, and floss. What are you trying to tell me there Thorns? And look, he ghey loves me.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chuck's Postcard

This was the first mail art I've ever received. Congrats on breaking my mail-art cherry Chuck.
BTW, expect something in the mail.

Charlie Balletto of Queens, NY

I liked this alot, and have sent you out a reply today.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This is the beginning of something fun.

I'm just beginning to play with the post office, utilizing it in excess, to recieve and send mail art, correspondance, with business's that don't expect it, people in other lands, and people from my own country.

Sometimes they know it's coming. Sometimes they don't.

Sometimes I might post stories that I've written elsewhere. Sometimes not.

I'm quite likely to display any mail art I receive here, just as soon as I get it and can scan it.

I may also scan and display mail art I've sent out, which is what you see above. This is the first photocopied piece of art I ever sent out. Unfortunately, I do not remember how many people, or who they were that I sent them to, though I've seen them show up in a few places.